In this day and age, you can probably find just about any type of insurance if you look hard enough. In addition to standard life, health, auto, and homeowners coverage, you can insure anything from your champion racehorse, to your favorite doll collection, to your pet iguana's health. So it's likely that somewhere, someone would be willing to sell you a chiropractic insurance policy. But chiropractic insurance is not a standard type of insurance policy that you could purchase from your neighborhood insurance agent.That being said, you may be able to get coverage for chiropractic services through your regular health insurance plan. As they become more mainstream, chiropractic and other types of alternative medicine are gaining credibility with the health insurance industry. Although it is still not the norm, many insurance companies are now including coverage for chiropractic services. Certain other alternative medical treatments are also covered under some health insurance plans, especially if you are referred to an alternative medicine practitioner by your primary care physician (PCP).To find out whether your health insurance covers chiropractic care, check your coverage information carefully or contact your insurance company's customer service department.
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